Types of Mystery Shops
Telephone Mystery Shops
Our trained auditors contact your employees and agents posing as one of your customers. Our auditors ask the questions that your customers ask. Calls are timed, recorded, evaluated and scored according to the service standards you set. We promptly post call recording, detailed shop reports and periodic summary reviews on our site.
Cyber Mystery Shops
We help businesses assess customer effort, the efficiency and effectiveness of contact center agents, and online service processes. We mystery shop all customer access channels and media (self-service, VM, IVR, email, and online / text chat) and provide recordings, e-contact transcripts and scored reports. Electronic communications are timed, transcribed, evaluated and reported in the manner(s) best suiting our clients’ needs.
In-person / Video Mystery Shops
Cyber (Internet, E-mail, Text, On-line Chat Room) Mystery Shops