
Email Survey Solutions

Email / Web (Internet) SurveysE-mail and web survey options are easy to find online, but few come with the planning consideration and experience in managing results offered by Spot Check.

Yes, Internet and e-mail surveys are faster and cheaper to develop and cost less than making phone calls or sending postal mail surveys. Also, online or e-mail surveys can sometimes increase incidence rates because certain target groups are more likely to respond when they may complete the survey when then like.

But, e-mail and online surveys can suffer from response error and validity concerns. You won’t always know precisely who completed the survey, respondents may not feel encouraged to provide accurate honest answers, and there is no opportunity to provide question clarification.

So, if you are on a budget or have a population too large to query exclusively by phone, we can deploy email and web survey options to maximize results and help keep costs down.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Surveys

Regardless of your purpose, be it for research, marketing, or social, we’re willing to provide input about scripts, methodologies and compliance. We’re technology flexible. But our survey software options come with a robust web portal for viewing customizable reports, at an executive dashboard view and all the way down to the most granular of detail.

Pros of Email SurveysCons of Email Surveys
Very Low CostLower Response Rates
Fully AutomatedNo Live Interviewer to Probe
Convenient for RespondentsLimited Details Collected
Easy to AdministerEmail Can Land in SPAM
Reach Thousands Instantly No Human Interaction
No Pressure Unknown Respondents

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