
Customer Satisfaction Research Book Reviews

Customer Satisfaction Research ManagementThe follow up to Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Data (Allen and Rao, 2000) and Linking Customer and Employee Satisfaction Data to the Bottom Line (Allen and Wilburn, 2002), this book is a must have for corporate researchers managing customer satisfaction programs. The author summarizes the history of customer satisfaction research, addresses the business problems associated with managing such research programs, and encourages businesses to shift their attention to dissatisfied and apathetic customers whose upside profit potential may be high.

Derek R. Allen, Customer Satisfaction Research Management
(American Society for Quality, Quality Press, 2004)

Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining BehaviorReview the latest academic thoughts on consumer expectations, intentions, perceptions, experiences, opinions, attitudes and more. Use the research articles, empirical investigations and relationship theory studies contained in this journal (printed since 1988) to improve your customer loyalty research efforts.

Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
Stephen A. Goodwin, Editor, Department of Marketing, College of Business,
Illinois State University, (309) 438-2893, sagoodwi(at)

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