
Franchisee / Franchisor Mystery Shopping

Franchisee / Franchisor Mystery ShoppingMystery shops are an excellent tool for franchise management and training.

Telephone and cyber mystery shops keep associates on their toes. And, they keep customers top-of-mind. Not knowing when a mystery shop will take place, employees are encouraged to provide exemplary service at all times, and across all channels, when interacting with customers or potential customers.

Brand policies and procedures are important.

Franchise mystery shopping can help you evaluate your associates and provide detailed performance feedback. Just being able to hear employees’ tone of voice, level of professionalism and the knowledge they convey about your product or service can provide a great deal of insight.

What are your customer service standards? We’ve worked with an extensive list of clients and we’re familiar with different franchise service quality systems. We’ve conducted tens of thousands of franchise mystery shops over the past 15 years and worked within different verticals throughout North America.

Are your associates struggling with certain scenarios? Our shoppers can focus on trouble areas and help redirect / provide training feedback to management as appropriate. We’re flexible and can mystery shop any department at your company. We offer standard scoring forms for all calls types which can be tailored to your needs. Recordings, transcripts and reports can be accessed at any time by simply logging into our website.

Right now, can you ensure all associates at your business are providing exceptional customer service?

Phone Mystery Shops

Cyber Mystery Shops

In-person / Video Mystery Shops

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