Mystery Shop Quality
Spot Check conducts mystery shops for administrative monitoring and service performance observation. We encourage employers to give employees clear notice and gain consent / acknowledgement.
Spot Check does not conduct mystery shopping for criminal or tortious purposes (e.g. discrimination, trespass or intrusion). To the contrary, we do so for training and quality control improvement.
It is our belief that the ultimate beneficiaries of a quality mystery shop program are consumers, the purchasing public, end-users that desire and gain improved human interaction in the delivery and servicing of goods and services through such oversight.
We recognize that the practice of evaluating customer service through employee monitoring is not only permissible, it is expected in the ordinary course of business and that employers may face liability for failing to monitor workplace activities or not ensuring consumer / transaction information is accurately received, processed and retained.
We encourage our clients to gain consent prior to recording – whether explicit or implicit – through acknowledgement forms, employee policies, written notice, or similar disclosure. Such surveillance communications, to be safe, should also ensure employees about the uses of the gathered information and establish clear privacy expectations.
For further insight into the nuances of mystery shopping law / surreptitious taping of electronic conversations, see