
Phone Surveys and Customer Evaluation

Telephone Survey ProvidersPhone surveys should build on existing data, explore new territory and easily gather response.

Phone surveys can be used to identify and improve service weaknesses, evaluate customer satisfaction / loyalty / opinions, and increase awareness about the demands and needs of the marketplace.

Whether you need a simple post-call, two question net promoters like survey or an in-depth interview with intense skip logic – we can help.

Research, informational, or similar phone calls that don’t contain telemarketing messages are subject to less legal constraint. But, effective customer phone surveys should still involve great thought about data needs and scrubbing, customer perception, error, deployment and timing, pitfalls, reporting, feedback and use.

Let us evaluate your phone survey programs / projects with an eye toward increasing the ROI and cost-effectiveness of your customer service commitments and satisfaction research.

Phone vs. Web Surveys

Survey Methods – Pros / Cons

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