
IVR Customer Survey Services

Customer Surveys Using IVR SystemsIVR (pre-recorded) surveys have a fairly low cost.

Interactive Voice Response surveys can be used to quickly measure customers’ reactions to services just-delivered (call transfer or transactional surveys).  This can be of great help to “flag” service recovery opportunities and collect top-of-mind customer feedback.

IVR surveys are now a part of self-service and are flexible enough to be used in multiple situations. Customer response can be invited by outbound calls, print / marketing materials, or even e-mails containing a toll-free comment hotline.  Some customers actually prefer “impersonal” surveys because they reduce response-bias and embarrassment and give privacy / anonymity.

Feedback need not be limited to numerical responses (please rate on a scale of 1-5); customers can provide verbatim, free-form comments and even ask for live-transfer help.

Would implementing an IVR survey support your quality assurance practices or provide data for specific improvement projects?

Survey Methods – Pros / Cons

Web vs. IVR Surveys

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