Cyber (Internet, E-mail, Text, On-line Chat Room) Mystery Shops
An ever growing percentage of customer contact is now on-line. Quick response time and accuracy and completeness in responding to web inquiries are critical to realize increased sales via the Internet. E-mail and text chat cyber shops can be used to assess these factors, gauge contact center agent competency and determine the sufficiency of on-line customer service processes.
How do you assess the efficiency and effectiveness of contact center agents and online customer service processes?
We mystery shop all customer access channels and media – phone, email and text- chat. We correspond via e-mail and online chat with customer service representatives. We provide call recordings, e-contact transcripts and scored reports. Customer interactions are timed, transcribed, evaluated and reported as you prefer.
The average length of employment of a contact center agent is approximately 26 months. |
Customers don’t care about your I.T. or workflow – they decide whether you’re a good company by the quality of your representatives and their level of service. |